Online poker is the game of card played over the internet and it has been responsible for a huge increase in the population of poker players all around the world. Before you play the game, you have to understand its features which include:
Four Color Deck Option. Are you having a hard time telling diamonds and hearts apart? Activate the four color deck feature and you’ll see the cards in four different colors.
Keyboard Play Support. Make your multi-table poker games easier with the keyboard shortcuts. It’s situated on the betting slider and you can find the special key shortcuts for raising, betting, calling, checking, and folding.
Player Notes. Earn a good prize when playing against players you’re acquainted in the past. Click on their names and you’ll be able to add a short note to that player. This note will be shown every time you meet this specific player on the tables and can function as an important source of information on their playing preferences and tendencies.
Buddy List. Have you acquainted with a player you’re interested in? Just mark that gambler as your buddy by clicking on their name tag. It allows you to check their status whenever you activate the game in the near future.
Poker Points. Points are the distinctive reward program from situs poker online – players earn points as they play in tournaments and ring tables. Bonuses are released as players earn points. Also, they can buy-in to special tournaments for Points and they can exchange the Points for cash during promotional periods. For more information, visit the site and for information about how tokens are released in exchange for Points, read the basics.
Real-Time Game History. It allows you to review recent game history in real-time from the time you started playing the poker game – this shows your stakes, hands, and past moves from the recent history. It becomes easier to understand graphical format for simple analysis.
Hand History Replay Feature. The “replayer” is a Flash feature that enables you to replay an entire game, hand, or session in a video format. This advanced feature permits you to review every hand of your previous sessions, from the last 30 days.
Real-Time Transaction Records. A detailed record of your previous transactions – which contain information of your bonus, cashout, and deposit – is accessible from within the game software at the push of a button and this standard account integrity is unmatched by other poker sites.
Live Support. Do you need assistance in the middle of the game? Not too sure how to relay a particular concern? At situs poker online, help is easy! It enables you to connect with real-time online support handled by an experienced dealer available 24/7 to answer your questions.
To learn more about its features, visit your local poker site now!